Friday, March 07, 2008

MS Awareness Week

March 10-17, 2008

Suggestions from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Website:

Commit to seven days of action and take simple daily actions throughout the week that make a difference

Send an action alert to your federal representative asking for an increase in MS research

Watch the Moving Forward film festival debut on Second Life

If you haven’t committed to seven days of action, there is still time to get involved

Check out what our corporate partners are doing to support the MS movement through our new Movement Marketplace

Sign up for a Bike MS or Walk MS event – if you already have, ask two friends or family members to join you!

Thank you for moving us closer to a world free of MS

Personally, I'll be in Sacramento CA March 10-12 attending the California NeuroAlliance Conference, visiting State Assembly Members/Senators and supporting (or maybe even opposing) legislation that impacts the lives and caregivers of those with a wide range of Neurologic conditions.

Then, on the 14th I will attend an Emergency Preparedness Workshop sponsored by the California Volunteers, the newest cabinet level department on the Governor's staff.

I'm still looking for contributors to my Walk MS fund!

1 comment:

Lisa Emrich said...

Hi, I apologize for the 'form' letter but it is the easiest way to pass word most quickly.

I am thrilled with the response to the MS Blogger project started at my blog, Brass and Ivory. I appreciate all those who took time to post about it on their blogs. I have discovered even more bloggers who have MS, whether they blog about the MS or not. A new listing is available at MS Blogger Community Project Revised.

Secondly, I'm looking for submissions for next week's Carnival of MS Bloggers. Information can be found at the end of each issue archived at Carnival of MS Bloggers. What I'm looking for this week are posts related to creativity. I discovered so many new bloggers who quilt, or knit, or crochet, or write, or photograph, etc. Basically, what do you do to express yourself?

Thank you so much for participating.

Lisa Emrich

P.S. I also apologize for any increased 'spamming' of blog comments due to my growing linklist of bloggers with MS. For that I am sincerely sorry.