Friday, May 09, 2008

Could this be a truly big deal?

Several years ago I attended a MS research symposium where bone marrow transplants for a group of MS patients was mentioned. I was genuinely interested in this research because it just made sense to me. Then this past Wednesday I happened to be scanning through the Multiple Sclerosis RSS feeds I subscribe to and one of the news items was:

Bone marrow treatments restore nerves, expert says
By Maggie Fox Wednesday, May. 7, 2008; 2:26 AM

BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters) - An experiment that went wrong may provide a new way to treat multiple sclerosis, a Canadian researcher said on Tuesday. Patients who got bone marrow stem-cell transplants -- similar to those given to leukemia patients -- have enjoyed a mysterious remission of their disease.

Dr. Mark Freedman of the University of Ottawa is not sure why. "Not a single patient, and it's almost seven years, has ever had a relapse," Freedman said

If you are interested the whole article can be found at:

So, what's your take on this?

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