Tuesday, October 07, 2008

It is that time of year again! A random Bike MS Webpage story

...the Cucinotti Family at the 2007 MS Bike Tour...Christian, Giannina (diagnosed with MS in 2003), Peter, Joe, Kylie and Giovanna...please join us again in our fight against MS!

It is that time of year again, to begin fundraising in our battle to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. As we continue our battle we call on you all again for support. We understand that there are many great causes out there and we hope you will again consider ours. Our family has been blessed the past two years by all of you. On October 11th and 12th I will again ride my bike 100 miles from O.C. to San Diego to raise money in search of a cure for MS.
Unfortunately for Giannina the disease continues to take its toll on her, although most of the time you wouldn’t know it. She is as beautiful as ever! She continues to have a great attitude while dealing with raising four kids during her sickness. Of course some days are better than others but little by little permanent deficits appear to be taking hold. Giannina’s right leg from the knee down has been 80% numb for the past eight months or so. It’s just part of the hand we are playing. Giannina does not complain and I try not to. Sometimes the reality of all this seems to be harder on me and the kids than it is for Giannina. We often feel so helpless. We just get to watch it all happen. Giannina continues her regiment of medication. The shots are painful and the meds still make her sick but we think it slows the process of the MS.
That is why this time of the year is such a blessing for our family. We get to do our part in raising funds for research centers to continue to look for a cure for this awful disease. MS affects millions of people. We have joined those folks in their battle. We are again asking you to join with us in our struggle to find a cure by donating though my website. If you cannot donate this year we would love your prayers...and we thank you in advance for whatever you wish to do.
Joe Cucinotti

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller

Donate to Joe Cucinotti's Fund Raising effort.

Or, donate to mine. It really doesn't matter we're all working for the same result! My fundraising web page.

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